Wednesday, September 18, 2013

'W' is for Wonderful Waffles!

Kaia loves "waffles & dip"  (meaning syrup) for breakfast.  And today we had a lovely morning brunch with a great friend at Village Inn.  So when she said she wanted "Waffles & dip" and I asked her what letter Waffles starts with she proudly proclaimed "W!!!"

We also made a paper Watch Kaia can Wear, out of a dixie cup I cut in half and some paper.  She had fun Wearing it for awhile but then ran around and wouldn't let me catch her picture...typical busy 2 year old. Here's the best I got:

Soon after we had to get our Wiggles out!  That was fun wiggling around all together like we're Worms!
We also made a 'W' out of scotch tape in her book and then colored over it with blue like Water.

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