Wednesday, September 4, 2013

'M' is for Mommy's Monkey

Letter 'M' day was almost too easy.  It started like every Morning - with Milk.  Kaia *loves* her Milk.  She would drink it all day long if we'd let her.  3 people go through 2 gallons of milk in less than a week usually - Crazy!

After Milk, Kaia wanted Mango's for a late breakfast.  But first we Made a Monkey Mask!  I found a printable one here!  She colored it and we stuck it on a popsicle stick and off she went chasing Charlie making monkey noises.  Don't worry though, she quickly reassured him it was just her-Kaia, not a real monkey!  That kid cracks me up..

Ahhh!  The monkey's are loose!  

After a lunch of Macaroni and cheese, we also played with Money!

Played with Mickey & Minnie Mouse of course, and Mopped up her Mess after Making Muffins!  Went to get the Mail, looked for the Moon (a favorite of Kaia's) and listened to some Music.  Whew!

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