Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What is Letter 'H' without a Hat!

My sweet Kaia loves her hats.  She will find and put on random snow or summer hats throughout the year.  She absolutely adores trying on hats in stores.  So what better craft than making a "Heart Hat" for letter 'H' day!

What a model! ^_^

She loved that hat and wore it off and on throughout the day.  She almost took it to the store with us later but apparently got distracted and forgot.  Which is not hard to do when your her age..  She was a great Helper at the store.  And later she played with the Hula Hoop (double H's -score!) and even found her Harmonica to play on her own, letting me know it had an H on it as well.  We also sang "If your Happy and you know it" and "Head and Shoulders" a few times.  All in all, a Happy time was Had!  Ok, I'm done :)

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