Monday, August 19, 2013

Letter of the Day!

It has been awhile, but the new little series of activities I've come up with for Kaia has inspired me to blog again!  Nearing 3 years old, she can do so much more and we're having fun!

I decided to do a "Letter of the Day" with her since she LOVES the alphabet right now.  We try to "Create" "Eat" and "Play" with each letter.

I got her excited about letter 'A' one day by decorating and folding paper airplanes.  We raced them down the stairs and across the room.  She LOVED it.

We baked cinnamon apples for a snack, which I actually think I enjoyed more than her!

And later we thought up and played like animals - especially ones beginning with 'A'!  -Alligators, Anteaters and Antelope.

Finally we document it in her own letter book.

By the end of the day I had her hooked! :)

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