Saturday, August 31, 2013

'K' is for Kaia!

As you can imagine, letter 'K' day is especially exciting since 'K' is for Kaia!

She woke up and her and Daddy made a crepe paper K on our wall to start out!
Later on she was gluing corn Kernels in a 'K' shape on paper.  She loved that so much I think she did about 5 of them.

And since 'K' fell on the weekend, we spent an afternoon at the park!  It was even windy enough to fly her new Kite!

Just when we got the line alll the way out Kaia was done.  It took Daddy awhile to wind it back in, but Kaia and I skipped off to play in the park some more. Thanks Daddy!

I tried offering Kaia a snack of Kix cereal but she declined.  I'm thinking if I had a Kit Kat bar she would've gone for it.  :)

Friday, August 30, 2013

Gonna Jump Jump Jump for 'J'

Today is letter 'J' and of course that meant going out to Jump on the trampoline.

We also made some Jewelry out of yarn and noodles that I dyed different colors the night before.  We've strung noodles before but the colors added a fun surprise for her.

And for a snack, Jam and bread!  

Thursday, August 29, 2013

'I' is for Igloo's & Ice Cream

Kaia was ready for letter 'I' early this morning.  Too early- I had to make her wait just a little bit while I had some tea and started to feel human.  Somehow she went to bed late and woke up early - how does that happen!?

Anyway, soon we were making a lovely Igloo picture out of paper squares.  She glued them all on and we wrote her name on her picture together.

After lunch was the highlight though, because 'I' is also for Ice Cream!

She licked the bowl clean.. must've been good!

After a much needed nap time (for her, Mommy had to work unfortunately..) We had so much fun with Indoor Ice Skating!  All you need is wax paper, a couple rubber bands and carpet!  Holy moly it's slippery!  So fun though!

Rockin' her "skates"

We enjoyed playing some Instruments - her "drum" and keyboard and guitar before Daddy got home from work.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What is Letter 'H' without a Hat!

My sweet Kaia loves her hats.  She will find and put on random snow or summer hats throughout the year.  She absolutely adores trying on hats in stores.  So what better craft than making a "Heart Hat" for letter 'H' day!

What a model! ^_^

She loved that hat and wore it off and on throughout the day.  She almost took it to the store with us later but apparently got distracted and forgot.  Which is not hard to do when your her age..  She was a great Helper at the store.  And later she played with the Hula Hoop (double H's -score!) and even found her Harmonica to play on her own, letting me know it had an H on it as well.  We also sang "If your Happy and you know it" and "Head and Shoulders" a few times.  All in all, a Happy time was Had!  Ok, I'm done :)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Great Day for 'G'

The letter of the day is 'G' today!  And what better way to start out the morning than with making and playing with some GOOP!  All it is made of is water, cornstarch and food color.  Lots of fun to play with!  Kaia chose to color it yellow - I think it's beginning to be a favorite color now.

Later that morning after some Grapes for a snack, she was not wanting to take her bath... so I finally convinced her how fun it would be to take a Green bath!  Yep, she soaked in a tub of green water.  Yay for food coloring - and no it didn't turn her skin or hair green. :)

Then, since it was a work day for me, Kaia got to play with Grandma!  The best 'G' word for sure!

Later that night we had a bedtime snack of a Granola bar and then finished by writing a green G in her book before covering it with Glitter Glue!

Monday, August 26, 2013

'F' is for Footprints

What Fun!  The letter 'F' was celebrated today by making Footprints on our back porch.  Luckily it was a warm day so we could splash and play in the water and make footprints and watch them fade just as quickly. Then we traced our Feet with chalk.

I baked us some French Fries and cut up Fruit for part of our lunch.  We did a Fingerprint 'F' for our book.

And Kaia really enjoyed making her Foil Fish!  She even played with it throughout the day.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Good Morning, ready for Letter of the Day -'E'?

I guess Kaia is super into our Letter of the Day now.  I wasn't really planning on doing it during the weekends just because we usually have other things to keep us occupied.  However, at around 7am today (Saturday) I woke up to: "Mommy...lets do letter E now!"  So we stumbled downstairs still sleepy and after waking up a bit we started the Letter of the Day with an Egg hunt!

I've learned that Egg hunts are fun all year round when your a toddler/preschooler.  We pull them out every once in awhile until I get tired of having random eggs all over our house.  Then I pick them up and hide them away in the closet for another day.

We also got some great Exercise that day by going to a park and having a picnic. 

Finally we created a hand print Elephant that Evening for a fun craft.

Friday, August 23, 2013

'D' is for Doughnuts!

Ok.. so it kind of seems like the letter of the day is becoming about junk food, but I couldn't pass up getting a treat like this.  I think Kaia's only had a bite or two of doughnuts before so it was so fun having her pick out her very own and seeing her reaction.  She picked a chocolate frosted one with sprinkles.

I think this picture says it all:

So after having our brunch we had to burn off that sugar high by having a Dance party!  She chose Storybots songs -I guess to go along with our alphabet theme.  We also played with barbie Dolls, and played with our Dog.  

And to finish the night pasted Diamonds into a 'D' shape for her book.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

'C' is for Cupcakes

Today is brought to you by the the letter 'C'!  So we had to Cook, but I couldn't decide between Cookies or Cupcakes.  Since we make cookies more often I decided on Cupcakes.  Kaia picked yellow Cake mix and yellow Color for the frosting.  I let her decorate them with Colored sugar, Chocolate Chips and graham Cracker goldfish.  Lots of delicious messy fun. :)

Our beautiful creations... ^_-

Besides eating the cupcakes, we had Cheese & Crackers & Carrots for lunch.  

After nap time we Colored with Crayons and raced our Cars down the driveway.

Now...what to do with all these extra cupcakes!??

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

'B' is for Butterfly

The Letter of the Day today is 'B'!  And how can you do the letter B without something to do with butterflies when you have a little girl?!  So I found a fun simple craft I knew she would love- a "Butterfly Wand" from Enchanted Learning.  Click here if you want to learn how to make one.

We had Banana's for Breakfast, and then went to the library for new Books! (Where she also played with a Boy).  Later we played with Blocks, Balloons and of course a kids ultimate toy- a cardboard Box!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Letter of the Day!

It has been awhile, but the new little series of activities I've come up with for Kaia has inspired me to blog again!  Nearing 3 years old, she can do so much more and we're having fun!

I decided to do a "Letter of the Day" with her since she LOVES the alphabet right now.  We try to "Create" "Eat" and "Play" with each letter.

I got her excited about letter 'A' one day by decorating and folding paper airplanes.  We raced them down the stairs and across the room.  She LOVED it.

We baked cinnamon apples for a snack, which I actually think I enjoyed more than her!

And later we thought up and played like animals - especially ones beginning with 'A'!  -Alligators, Anteaters and Antelope.

Finally we document it in her own letter book.

By the end of the day I had her hooked! :)