Monday, September 17, 2012

Simple Indoor Games

Because I work in the afternoons, our play time outside is usually in the mornings.  This worked out perfectly in the summertime.  However, fall is now in our midst and the mornings are getting pretty cold.  At least today it was, and even though we went out for awhile bundled up in our sweatshirts, I didn't want to stay out too long.

A part of me is really dreading the wintertime.  I'm going to need a lot of good activities to keep this little one busy!  And today I found a new fun thing that could bring creative and physical activity indoors. :)
All you need is some masking or painters tape!  I got the idea when I saw an idea of doing a masking tape hop scotch inside.  Well, that's great but my Dimples is too young to play hopscotch and although try as she might, cannot hop yet. :)  That didn't stop me though, as I decided you can pretty much do anything on carpet with masking tape.

So I made a house!  The very first thing she did was lay down in the middle of it, which I thought was kind of funny.

Here she is "opening the door" of the house.

And of course trying to "hop" there too.

But she had fun with it in many ways.  She brought her bear in the house, and then a pillow and sat in the middle.  And then I asked if she thought we could toss balls into the house too.  So she got a couple small balls and we stood outside the house tossing balls into the house.  Lots of times they would roll out and she'd promptly say her favorite phrase, "oooh nooo!" and run to get it.

I think there are so many things you could do with this idea!  Another one I want to try sometime is shape sorting.  Make a big square out of tape, a big circle, etc.   Then have her find things that are shaped the same and put them in the right shape on the floor.  Kind of like a indoor shape treasure hunt!

Or, even something as simple as making a long tightrope "wire" out of tape on the floor and have her walk across it and play circus would be fun.  

Yes, this is definitely something I can go to on the cold days ahead! :)

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