Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Box of Fun

So Dimples' birthday is coming up and I do a lot of shopping online, and after ordering her gifts we had a pretty big box.  What kid doesn't love a big box!?

I tipped it up on it's side and gave her crayons and stickers and we decorated it first.

Then she checked out the inside..

And soon it was full of her animals and blankets, and she kept trying to shut the doors and then say "knock knooock!"

Since we took pictures, she's played in it a bit and decorated it more with masking tape.  Great fun let me tell you.  She even wanted mommy to go in, so we tried that too..ha!

A few days later we got another box of stuff for my husband, and it had packing peanuts- score!  She LOVED this, and has played in it all day long!  She immediately thought she needed to get in the box before playing.  Soon she was scooping them, pouring them, throwing them in the air, etc.  And I thought I could even hide her small toys in there for her to "find" later. 

We also had a craft of gluing them to paper, along with some foil wrapping paper scraps I cut up for her.

It's been a fun few days!  And I love that it's all recyclables, so when she tires of them we'll just put them out in our bin.  :)

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