Thursday, December 26, 2013

Elf Adventures Continued...

Day 16: Marshmallow bath

Day 17: Playing Sneaky Snacky Squirrel Game

Day 18: Sleeping all cozy in bed

Day 19: All tied up

Day 20: Going for a ride!

Day 21: Zip line from the Christmas tree!

Day 22: A sweet snowman breakfast

Day 23: Feeding baby

Christmas Eve - Day 24: Jesus Birthday Party & G'bye letter

Candy Cane went back to Santa, but we're excited to see her again next year! :)

Monday, December 16, 2013

More Elf Adventures!

We've still had fun each morning with Candy Cane our elf!  Here's some of our latest fun Candy Cane has had in our home!

Day 7: Turned the milk green so it's more festive!

Day 8: Fun w/stickers and writing Santa a note.

Day 9:  Riding the monkey train under the tree!

Day 10:  Reminding us what Christmas is *really* about..

Day 11: Sack races with Stuffies

Day 12: Reading the Christmas Story to friends

Day 13: Climbing the Christmas Tree

Day 14: Counting down the days...

Day 15:  A Giant Surprise!

You just never know what that lil' elf will do next... ;)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Christmas Season has begun!

I can hardly believe it's here already, but after a lovely Thanksgiving we started all our fun Christmas traditions!  We put up our tree and Kaia's been enjoying re-decorating it ever since.  Daddy did a great job and put lights up outside this year!  We were the first on the street to be festive too!  Whoo!

A new tradition we started was our Elf.  Yep, I got sucked into the Pinterest craze of "Elf on the Shelf."  I didn't exactly like the book and the way it's kind of used to threaten kids to be good for Santa.  But I found this blog entry from "Following In My Shoes" about how she incorporated Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas into their elf.  So I modified the letter a bit and did it the same way!

Our elf showed up on our doorstep with the letter from Santa while we were decorating the tree.  Kaia gave her the name "Candy Cane".  So Candy Cane the Elf has been up to some silly things since we've had her...

Day 1: Tea Party

Day 2:  Driving with Ken 

Day 3: Flour-Snow Angels 
(getting ornery)

Day 4: TP'd the play tree

Day 5:  mmm..Syrup!

Day 6:  Making Snowflakes

Haha... so far its been a lot of fun!  In the beginning, since I did not follow the book where they introduce the idea that if you touch the elf they lose their magic, Kaia knows its a toy.  So the first few days she says, "Mommy what did you do!?"  I laughed it off saying "what a silly elf Candy Cane is!"  Today was the first day she laughed at what Candy Cane did (w/the snowflake).  The syrup day kind of backfired because she wanted to drink syrup too.  But I explained only elf's can do that.. :)

More Elf Adventures to come...